(archive) Division of Endocrinology
Caring for people with endocrine & metabolic disorders, pursuing research and providing medical education in British Columbia, Canada.
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Islet Transplant Research

Islet transplantation is a procedure which infuses insulin-secreting islet cells into the liver via the portal vein to replace insulin secretion for selected people with type 1 diabetes. Currently, this procedure can stabilize blood sugars in most individuals with type 1 diabetes and result in insulin independence in some. However, there is a gradual decline in insulin secretion over time, so most recipients require more than one transplant. Also, as with any transplant, recipients must take immunosuppressive medication to keep the islet cells from being rejected. This is currently not available for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

To be eligible to receive an islet transplant, you must:

  1. Be over 18 years of age.
  2. Have type 1 diabetes for more than 5 years.
  3. Have significant difficulty controlling your blood sugar, despite your best efforts and appropriate medical support.

To learn more about islet transplantation, you can contact:

The Ike Barber Human Islet Transplant Laboratory

BC Transplant Society

The following staff members are actively involved in islet transplant research.

Dr. Breay Paty

Dr. David Thompson

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Faculty of Medicine
317 – 2194 Health Sciences Mall
(Woodward Instructional Resource Centre),
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604.822.2421
Fax: 604.822.6061
Division of Endocrinology
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 4th Floor,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada
Tel: 604.875-5929
Fax: 604.875.5925

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